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Seade on tootmisest maas, kuid olemas on uus alternatiiv: Aktiivkõlar Alto TS 308
Tõeliselt võimekas 8″ elemendiga profi PA kõlar mis sobib live esinemisteks muusikutele, DJ-dele tantsumuusika mängimiseks ning ka kõnevõimenduseks – selge helipilt, madal bass, väga kerge kaal (8kg) ning korralik helirõhk: SPL 123 dB peak.
Tegu on profitaseme aktiivkõlariga, mille disainimisel on peetud silmas kompromissitult häid akustilisi omadusi, kasuliku funktsionaalsuse lisamist ja ergonoomilisust transpordil.
Tegu on kõlaritega, mis suudavad taasesitada heli väga jõuliselt ja detailselt koos selgete kõrghelide, puhta vokaali ja üllatavalt madala bassiga.
Tegu on Alto Truesonic 1 seeria edasiarendusega, mis on tunduvalt võimsam, funktsionaalsem ning uue soliidse disainiga. Seade on disainitud töötama ka kõrgetel koormustel pikki perioode ning säilitama seejuures üpris madala töötemperatuuri.
Alto TS 208 aktiivkõlaritel on ka kahe helisisendi kokkumiksimise võimalus, ground-lift lüliti voolust tekkida võivate urinate vältimiseks ja M6 riputuspunktid. Kõlari kaal on tehnilisi näitajaid arvestades väga väike – 8 kg – tehes transpordi mugavaks.
Seade on saadaval ka valgena.
Seade on disainitud ja häälestatud USA’s.
Terve Eesti piires kohaletoomine tasuta.
Allpool olevad andmed tootja kodulehelt.
Kasutajajuhend: TS2 Series User Guide v1.1
The Truesonic TS2 product range is the result of a clean-sheet approach to designing professional speakers that strike an ideal balance between no-compromise acoustic performance, the complete array of features that users demand and outstanding ergonomics and utility—all coupled with a stunning industrial design.
Our TS2 family builds upon the amazing success and wide acceptance of our current TS1 series. The current Truesonics established a benchmark for clarity, high output, flexible I/O options and value that has made them the worldwide standard of comparison.
Now, with the TS2’s, we’ve significantly eclipsed that level of achievement.
The range is comprised of four models, the TS208, TS210, TS212 and TS215. The amplifiers in all four are rated at 550 watts continuous, 1100 watts peak—a significant increase over the previous line. This new higher power capability ensures greater output for use in larger spaces, with increased clarity, since the amplifiers won’t “run out of steam” and distort the way less powerful units will.
The all-new industrial design is more than just beautiful: The TS212 and TS215 have five integrated handles and the TS208 and TS210 have two, making them easy to pick up in either H or V orientation. The TS215 and TS212 have M10 rigging/suspension points and the TS210 and TS208 have M6 rigging/suspension points. The tough, durable cabinets have excellent acoustic properties, while their light weight makes them easy to transport.
Because of their cutting-edge, high-efficiency amplifiers, these speakers run at far lower temperatures than conventional amplifiers, even during extended periods of high output. The ground-up design effort for these speakers enabled us to incorporate advanced amplifiers with superior heat-dissipation characteristics, eliminating the need for costly, noisy cooling fans. The result is a powered speaker system that is cleaner, quieter and more reliable.
Higher performance, unsurpassed utility and flexible I/O options, easy transportability and unparalleled value—you’ll find it all in the Alto Professional TS2 Series.
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