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Eesti piires on kohaletoimetamine tasuta
Logitech Wireless Presenter R800 näol on tegu slaidipuldiga, millega saab laval publiku ees ettekannet tehes juhtida slaidiprogrammi esitlusarvutis ning viidata rohelise laserpointeriga ekraanil olevatele graafikutele.
Slaidipuldil on ka esitlustaimer, mis annab esinemisaja lõppemisest vibratsioonimärguandega teada.
Selle slaidipuldi teeb eriliseks suur, kuni 30m leviala ning roheline laserpointer, mis paistab ekraanilt publikule väga hästi silma. Slaidipuldil on ka displei koos aja ning patareide laetuse taseme näidikuga.
Tegu on ergonoomilise disainiga ning kompaktse seadmega.
Tehniline külg:
Allpool olev info on pärit tootja kodulehelt:
Brilliant green laser pointer helps you get their attention—and keep it.
Navigate through your presentation with confidence with the intuitive slideshow controls.
Up to 100-foot (30-meter) range helps you make ordinary presentations extraordinary.
Powerful and easy to see – even in brightly lit rooms.
Keep track of time, battery, and wireless reception with a glance or with silent, vibrating alerts. You remain focused on your presentation, not the clock.
You’ll enjoy the freedom to move around the room and mingle with your audience for greater impact. A reception-level indicator ensures you don’t wander too far.
Buttons are easy to find by touch. And the smooth contours feel great in your hand. You’ll be in control from the first slide to the last.
There’s no software to install. Just plug the receiver into a USB port to begin. And when the show is over, you can store the receiver in the presenter.