Korvi lisatud toodetele saab ka paari klikiga küsida nimelise ja ametliku hinnapakkumise, soovi korral koos paigaldusega.
Eeldatav tarne: vahemikus 18.03.2025 ja 24.03.2025
Eesti piires on kohaletoimetamine tasuta
Püsipaigaldusteks sobiv valge aktiivkõlar, millel on lai ja selge helipilt koos päris madala bassiga (kuni 50Hz) . Oma võimsuse (80″ RMS; 114dB SPL) osas sobib see seade hästi kohvikutesse, restoranidesse, hotellide vastuvõtualasse ning mujale kus on vaja hea kõlaga taustmuusikat ja teadete edastamist tagada.
Oma tagasihoidliku ja viisaka disainiga jääb kõlar üldjuhul interjööris üpris märkamatuks, seadmel on ka automaatne ootereziimile lülitamise funktsioon, mis rakendub kui kolme minuti jooksul kõlarile helisignaali sisse ei tule. Kõlar käivitub uuesti kui taas signaal sisendisse jõuab. See hoiab kokku voolu ja pikendab kõlari eluiga.
Kõlariga on kaasas ka universaalne seinakinnitus.
The LD Systems SAT82AG² is an active installation monitor, which provides a convincing performance on a PC or laptop and as a home studio monitor.
The compact 2-way bass reflex design is equipped with an 8″ custom-made woofer and a 1″ compression driver which are driven by an 80 Watt Class AB power amplifier. The input is a combo socket; an XLR socket is used to loop through the signal. With a frequency response of 50 Hz – 20 kHz and 114 dB maximum sound pressure, the SAT82AG² produces a balanced sound with high dynamics. The monitor features protection circuits for the tweeter against overcurrent, and a switchable power saving mode that automatically switches to standby if there is no signal for 3 minutes.
The cabinet of the SAT82G² is made of 12mm MDF with M6 flight points and is available in black or white with a durable textured paint finish. A versatile mounting bracket is included; a universal joint mount is available as an accessory.
Product type | Installation Loudspeakers |
Type | Wall-mounted Loudspeaker |
Low/mid driver dimensions | 8 “ |
Woofer size | 203 mm |
Woofer magnet | Ferrite |
Woofer brand | Custom-made |
HF driver dimensions | 1 “ |
HF Driver Size | 25 mm |
HF driver magnet | Ferrite |
HF driver brand | Custom-made |
Dispersion (H x V) | 60 x 60 ° |
Load rating (RMS) | 120 W |
Frequency response | 50 – 20000 Hz |
SPL (1W/1m) | 93 dB |
Max. SPL | 114 dB |
Impedance | 8 Ohm(s) |
Protection circuits | HF Driver |
Loudspeaker inputs | 1 |
Speaker input connections | Clamp connector |
Speakers per amplifier channel (DSP44/45K) | 4 |
Cabinet material | 15 mm MDF |
Cabinet surface | texture paint |
Cabinet colour | white |
Cabinet construction | vented |
Width | 274 mm |
Height | 410 mm |
Depth | 243 mm |
Weight | 7 kg |